Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Belly Exercises Weight Loss

It is proved that the abs are the best exercises to slim tummy, basically because they allow to work all muscle groups of the abdomen, and in addition are worked back and legs.

Exercise can be fun although most women do not seem so. If you find something you like and stay motivated will be easy to follow a routine either to lose weight, build muscle if you are very thin or stay in shape.

Here is a short exercise routine to lose weight belly (all exercises are performed in the ground):

- For lower abs, extend your arms at your sides, bend your right leg up, and keep your left leg bent on the ground. Try to touch the chest with his right knee. Alternate both knees.

- For upper abdominal and lateral bend your knees and place your hands behind your head. Gather your right shoulder with your left knee, elbow and lifting up the knee.

- For upper abs: in the same position last year, raise the head and shoulders, and then throw yourself back. As you will see an excellent exercise for delgazar belly.

Another exercise is to raise your legs with knees bent over a chair, lift your head and shoulders, and brings the body back.

- For lower abs: in the initial position of the previous year, raise the knees to the waist, then put them back on the chair.

As a beginner I recommend you make from 1 to 8 repetitions of each exercise. Once you get used to and have done all the exercises to slim tummy, increases from 8 to 10 repetitions of each exercise, and after 15 to 20.

- Lie on a firm floor on your back, put your hands behind your head, and proceeds to lift your torso as possible with only the strength of your abdomen (do not pull on your hands), do this exercise 12 times in three sets.

- Stand with feet slightly apart, hands on the neck and proceeds with the view to facing up and down with only the strength of the legs and hip without moving straight ahead (12 reps, 3 sets).

- Get in the prone position, strongly supports the palms of your hands that will be separated from each other approximately 40 to 50 cm, with the back completely straight and you push down and up (12 reps, 3 sets).

- With the latter only need a special rope-jumping, this exercise to be aerobic and movements that activate the movement in all muscles of the body is said to be the most complete when training at home. You can make changes by jumping with both feet, alternating with a standing or walking (start with 5 minutes and work up).

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