Thursday, August 16, 2012

Article Marketing - One of the best ways to market your articles

Article marketing is a concept widely misunderstood. Most of the contributors and marketing mistakenly think that the only way to sell your items is to put them in article directories.

By placing your articles on article directories is a great way to sell your items, is not the only way.

My goal in my marketing articles

My goal in the marketing of my articles and those of my students and mentees is to get my article in front of as many people as possible in as many forms of consumption.

One of the best ways is to take your items and create a multi-day ecourse. It is a universally recognized principle of marketing that you need to get your message or offer in front of someone anywhere between five to eight times in order for them to know, like and trust you and buy from you.

So you can allow potential customers to read one of his articles once, or you can leave many read his articles or parts of an article a few days. Let '- have a shot to get many shots, or your perspective on your perspective. A call easy when you look at it this way.

If you wrote an article on seven points, all you have to do is make each section of the tip of a multi-day ecourse. You can offer free and include links to various offers, or you can pay for your ecourse how my ecourse multiple streams of income Article .......

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