Friday, August 31, 2012

Teaching Hatha Yoga - security policies for students

Where it begins to outline safety standards for yoga classes? Many studies have a system of checks and balances to ensure that all students benefit from classes. At the same time, students have a variety of expectations when attending sessions of Yoga. Some students want to reduce stress, while others want to be pushed. Here are a few guidelines to help Yoga teachers develop their security policies.

1. Know Your Student: Each student has different desires. A student may seem to belong to a group of like minded people. His or her goals should be discussed before class. The application should be designed to help students understand the status of a student's health and mood. This helps you and your prospective student, find out if your school or lessons are a good fit.

A student was looking for a class that would be as demanding as the Bikram class has seen an episode in June 2005 to 60 minutes. In that episode, was very impressed by the fact that Bikram Choudhury jumped on the chest of a student who was doing Camel Pose (Ustrasana).

Needless to say, if you do not jump on your students, while they perform the techniques of yoga, a very few of these might be disappointed. It is interesting to note that some students want to be jumped on, kicked, insulted, or in classes. In this case, the advice might be better than yoga, but each of us has different needs. This is why new students should come to their first class in advance. This "introduction" is a good time for you and your students to share ideas on future expectations.

2. They have safety guidelines in force: Prepare a list of policies for the courtesy, safety and precaution. If we assume that everyone will use their "common sense", you may be surprised. Most people seem to do well by themselves, without rules. However, a number above to set the rules, safety and behavior.

3. Education and training: When you decided to become a yoga teacher, you might have guessed: We are all students for life. Learn and discover make life interesting. Intensive and specialized training of Yoga teachers, workshops, and online learning will help you become the best they can be.

4. To learn more about how to modify, adjust, and service: some teachers have problems with touch their students. If so, great work on the development of observation and cueing skills. Some teachers have great skills cueing, but some students do not listen very well. This is why observation is so precious. It 'important to connect mentally with all the students in your class.

Adjustment assistance and require a moderate touch. When you run an assist physical, you can feel the resistance in muscle, connective tissue and joints. For the sake of your students, the adjustments are safer than sweet. Be sure to ask permission for an assist, and maintain communication throughout the regulation.

- Paul Jerard / Aura Publications ......

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