Thursday, August 30, 2012

Top five favorite ways for women entrepreneurs to become more productive

You need to increase productivity and efficiency? Want to know what are the favorite techniques of successful entrepreneurs when it comes to increasing productivity? I wanted to know, too.

Recently I did an informal survey of 250 women entrepreneurs and asked them this question: "What is the number one thing you do to increase your productivity?"

Listed in reverse order, here are the results:

5. Priority list daily using the "ABCD and E".

A = must do.
B = should do.
C = It would be nice to do.
D = delegate.
E = eliminate.

4. Delegating everything possible.

If you do not make money directly to you, delegate it to someone else. Turn over the tasks of data entry, packaging and shipping, non-essential and answer e-mails and calls for a professional administrative authority. You do not know how to tell if you have to turn something more? Ask yourself: "Can this task be done by someone else, or does not need to direct my attention?" How enterprising entrepreneur, your job is to focus on what is most valuable for you and your business success, not to run errands.

3. Divide projects into activities.

If you have something on your to do list that has been there for a long period of time, to realize that probably is not a task. It 'a project. To do lists for operations are discrete. When you put a project on your list, you will feel bogged down and slow down productivity. Many of the women entrepreneurs interviewed business use method strategist Brian Tracy to break projects into easy to do tasks:

In the first place, list the desired end result.
Next, map out every single phase of the project.
Then, tidying up the steps, put the important steps toward the front.
Now, delegate tasks and responsibilities assigned.
Finally, monitor the progress of the project.

2. Give 80% of your attention on what is important and 20% of what is urgent.

As an entrepreneur, your task is to discern the difference between what is important and what is urgent. To understand the difference between the two, ask yourself: "It will be focused on this movement forward my business and I make money or will I just be putting out fires?" Dealing with urgent for all day is draining. Dealing with the important thing is energizing. Make sure you're giving 80% of your time and attention to what is important every day.

1. Focus on one thing at a time.

The number one thing women entrepreneurs do to increase productivity ... focus on one thing at a time. Although women are known to be natural multi-tasking, surprisingly, respondents said they were able to do more, when they focus on one thing at a time. Starting and stopping in the middle of things was frustrating for them and meant that not much has been completed at the end of the day.

What is the number one thing you do to increase your productivity? As you just saw, among the 250 women entrepreneurs I reviewed their answers ranged from daily to make their priority list to learn how to break into small projects. Decide which of their favorite techniques will help you more, and start implementing them right now. You are sure to increase productivity for you and your business .......

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