Thursday, August 16, 2012

Blogs on the Internet democratizes Web Publishing - Trivia

The best description that I read regarding blogging is that "it is somewhere between the writing of a column and talk radio. In this sense, blogging is the first journalistic model that exploits in fact, rather than simply exploits the true democratic nature of the web. Blogging is a first generation tool built on, and exploiting the unique features of the Internet. Blogging is a way of collecting links to webpages and sharing thoughts and ideas with people online. For most people, blogging is a career-booster, either in your current job and when you're looking for your next. The second is that blogging is a daily activity. And, if you know it or not, blogging is big business.

Blogging is clearly not going to help that number of people who are not really up to their work, or who are prone to inarticulate flaming, or both. Blogging is a good way to meet people. Blogging has become a sort of big thing in recent years, and some of the largest and most popular blogs attract the kind of traffic that Namee large e-commerce sites would be jealous. Blogging is also dangerous because of its addictive qualities, we were told. I gave several interviews to the press in recent days, all more or less along the same lines, someone was assigned to write the history of people being fired for blogging. In other words: no blogging will not protect you from the career-limiting move, and if it causes a blogging, well, you were probably going to do it anyway.

Blogs (or weblogs) are broadly in line journals or diaries which are great for sharing information and ideas. Blogs are not a good place to rest on our laurels. In addition to text, blogs often contain audio, music, images and video. I nearly fell off the Aeron chair on May 2 when the number of Business Week has arrived with a cover story predicting that "Blogs will change your business. What I like about blogs is the authenticity of the voice, as a further democratization of the web publishing, and how to provide more relevant information through contextual links. We create online versions of newsletters segmented storage with additional features and surveys, and we will finally study the blog as a way to increase the level of authenticity for many of our corporate sponsorships. We 'have seen the blogs: supporting exhibitions, organizing teachers, share the vision of the museum's director, do direct marketing, re-publish articles in publications of museums, contributing to professional development, explore specific topics or problems, and blogs are used as a simple content management systems within existing sites. I like reading blogs whose creators are passionate about their subject or niche. I tired of all the blog monetization-obsessed and no content.

What I noticed for the community of bloggers in mind, however, is that some of those who make the most money are the ones who are giving advice on how to make money.

I feel blogging is very important for a multitude of reasons, ranging from relief to all staff receives from journaling, the growth of closeness and understanding between different cultures and peoples, and also a greater awareness of local issues that the mainstream media is chooses to ignore or erroneously ignores .......

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