Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Web Site Turn-Offs

There are several ways to turn-off guaranteed visitors to your web site. These are to be taken into consideration as you design a site is, or revisit a site. Turn-off can be generally defined as anything that prevents the user to quickly and easily (intuitively) use of the site. Negative are also often the result of a free use of 'bells and whistles of the technicians.
A major turn-off is a site to load sloooow. There can be a number of factors that contribute to this:
Large graphics files (ie the file size in bytes). Graphic files must be optimized to reduce the file size to a minimum to allow them to travel across the Internet in minimum time. Most graphics software lets you do this.
Initial Screens. These are often graphic and Flash can be a time to 'load', especially if there is limited bandwidth. Bandwidth is the carrying capacity of the Internet, the bigger the faster - a bit 'like comparing a fire hose and a garden hose. Splash screen also annoy repeat visitors, how to revisit the site and must wait until the loading screen (not everyone knows how to properly favorite).
Pages too long. Pages should generally be no more than three screen-fulls (scrolls). Also, keep in mind that most people scan web pages rather than read in detail (up to find the specific page you are looking). So, unless the page is a scientific article, make use of short sentences and / or projectile points.Other turn-off including:
Background music that starts automatically when the page loads. As slooowing page load down, the choice of music is unlikely to please everyone.
Set the screen resolution is too large for most computers in use. You would be surprised how many computers with 800 pixel x 600 pixel screens are still in use. Then, set the width of the table as a percentage of the width of the screen, otherwise many of your visitors will be annoyed by having to use the horizontal scroll bar.
The request for obscure 'Plug-Ins' as essential to effectively use your site. A Plug-In is a piece of software that works in conjunction with a browser to display specific material, such as a movie clip, sound, etc. As the visitor will probably not have them, then you must download and install the plug-in first can continue to use the site. This is guaranteed a nuisance. Often people do not know how.
Persistent small 'Pop-Up' screens that appear on the top of the page, especially if they contain advertising.
The application form and not ask too much information. Research indicates that the response falls almost proportional to the amount of information required .......

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