Monday, August 20, 2012

10 ability to work for Web Designers

If you are a web designer or web developer or looking to become a part, there are sets of skills necessary to become a good understanding. Here is some information about the skill, where known, materials, training courses and uses it for a web designer or developer.


This is the most important thing to learn. HTML displays important works easier and more useful so that your designs will be more effective. Compared with a WYSIWYG editor, HTML editor, these are more effective. Even web designers who are not going to do much work outside of a WYSIWYG editor should learn HTML so that they know based on their web pages.

2) CSS

Made with HTML, web designers, the most important thing you can learn CSS. CSS controls and determines the appearance of the page. It would be dangerous to the cutting edge websites without CSS learned.

3) Design Direction

One thing web designers should have is the sense of design. Not only knowing the colors right, but also the element of design principles and basic design. On the other hand, web developers unless they work as a freelancer, he / she does not need this ability.

4) Java Script and Ajax

This is the first element of an interactive website. JavaScript must be learned before any other languages. After understanding Java Script, which will then connect or extend to other applications and create Ajax web sites.

5) PHP, ASP, JAVA, Perl or C + +

Web page programming begins w / the language to use. There are many options, but there are some popular ones. PHP is easy leader. Web designers who do not know programming language will continue to be used, rather than a web developer who knows nothing.

6) My SQL database

This is the most popular databases. For web developers to know some databases are very useful.

7) Flash

Through flash, web designers and developers can build interesting networks. This can also improve the designs and knowledge of graphics.

8) SEO

Search Engine Optimization is helpful for anyone web sites. HTML SEO content as it affects the quality and image.

9) Web Server Administration

This helps web developers to solve their own scripts and programs. Web designers do not need to know how to administer a server, but could benefit. Knowing simple things like access to the shell.

10) Project Management

This is a critical job. This helps to keep you on track and manage things properly. Both will benefit from project management, and Web developers or Web designers .......

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