Sunday, August 19, 2012

Website Traffic - Why Be a Jack of All Trades on the Internet is a bad way to grow your business

One of the biggest problems people have when trying to make money online with their website traffic is the fact that they become good at everything, but fail to master the right things. In this article I will show you why becoming a handyman on the Internet is one of the worst things you can do online.

Reason # 1 - You can not become good at everything online.

The bottom line is that there are many ways to drive traffic to your site and make money you need to focus on one or two of them in order to master them and become really good at them.

It can be easy to think that you should be able to get visitors to your site from 20 different sources at the exact same time.

The problem is the fact that they are just starting out and have to make sure you can get visitors from a source before you go out and take them to 20.

Reason # 2 - It can get really expensive to do everything at once.

If you are just starting out you are going to realize that you can spend thousands of dollars in no time flat trying to get visitors to your site from all traffic channels in your market niche.

This is the reason for which you want to begin with a source of work and on it until it is really profitable. Then you can take some of those profits and invest them in the later source.

In this way you're never going to spend all your money and take lots of risks.

Doing things the right way when you start out and then over time the results are mixed and increase profits and be able to add in more sources visitor as you get more expertise, time and money .......

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