Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Fundraising Flea Market

Fundraising is a necessary evil for most of the non-profit organizations such as churches and small ministries. With just a little 'imaginative ways to raise money are endless. Ideally, you should receive gifts of sponsorship from your supporters and you never would have had to raise money again. But in the real world fundraising is part of life.

A great way to raise money is to use the garage sale and flea market model and sell or re-sell items for your fundraiser. The first step towards a fundraiser is to collect all the items to be sold at the fundraiser.

These items can be baked such cookies and cakes, or any type of party homemade. Other articles can be found in local flea markets and garage sales. You can often pick up items for a great price and resell them for a small profit. Online auction websites or clearing house, such as eBay and Overstock are great ways to buy quality goods to sell your fundraiser. When you are shopping online for items in bulk and special precautions for transport, you can often find any transport costs or transport reduced.

If your initial budget planning for the flea market fundraiser has ample funds you can order items such as shirts, mugs and books with the church or non-profit organizations name and information printed on it. You can then sell these items as part of the fundraiser. You will find that these are big sellers for those who actively support your cause and are wonderfully useful to those who are just learning about your mission.

One thing to keep in mind when you are holding a fundraiser will need to advertise. This can often be done with a very low cost or no cost. Local newspapers, radio stations and television stations often advertise for your time raising funds under the program of transfer press. You can also go with the tried and true word of mouth. Tell everyone that is in some way involved or interested in your non-profit organization that will have a fundraiser. Then they said one more person. Your fundraising will surely be full of potential buyers before you know it.

If you buy low, sell high and enjoy the flea market fundraiser will be a success .......

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