Monday, August 6, 2012

The Myth of Phaeton and our rulers. (Golpre of State in Honduras))

The myth of Phaeton and our rulers. Coup in Honduras. In Greek mythology Phaethon is the son of Apollo (god of light and sun) and Clymene. Clymene was seduced by the Sun-god, who became mother of Phaethon. Clymene exemplary mother always told his son of his father. But the Phaeton's heart was filled with pride, arrogance and began to boast of it, at all. Until the day Epaphos crosses his path and says, 'You're a fool to believe everything your mother tells - tells -. You pride of a father who is not yours. What is your evidence to refute? Phaeton silent, ashamed and angry at the same time, but is repressed and goes to his mother to tell the rebuke Received: 'I could not deny the outrage - says -. If it is true that my father is the sun, give me a proof. It shows that belong to heaven! The mother, moved, raises her arms and looks resplendent rays: 'I swear, my son, you have been generated by the star that governs all. If false what I say, that this light blinded me, and that these rays are the last to see!

Will it be hard for you to reach your father and find out. The mansion he leaves is contiguous to our country. Go and ask him! Phaeton does not hesitate an instant. Embraces his mother and part cheerful and light, to the palace of the Sun Apollo asks: - What did you come to look at this high abode? - Oh, father, give me proof that I truly am your son! Take away the uncertainty of my soul! 'I can not deny that you are my offspring. And to prove it, I will grant whatever you want. Ask, and I will give ... I swear by the infernal rivers I have ever seen! And Phaeton asks: 'Give me your fiery chariot for a day. Let me guide your winged horses. Doubted Apollo is a divine task. He agreed. Finally, Zeus was forced to intervene striking the runaway chariot with a lightning bolt to stop it, and Phaeton drowned in the river Eridanus.

Analogy: The Apollo Honduras has seduced and impregnated to Clymene the country. The Honduran phaetons have filled his heart with arrogance, haughtiness, arrogance. The Epaphos face, they say, judge. The Factories want to demonstrate their power. Apollo gets confronted son hears his request doubt "(it is a divine task)" finally agrees. The Phaeton take into their hands the solar car ... is upset, wrong roads and endanger the world ... First he turned too high, so that the earth cooled. Then he went down too, and the vegetation dried and burned. Zeus finally intervenes and Phaeton dies. This is an analogy that has two opposite movements in Honduras: The rise and fall. With them the transgression, daring, and punishment. The boast has become a cancer that produces fear and hatred. The lust for power and power look like a luxury suit, led to the breakup of a "democratic" human rights were violated ... anyone can enter your home, force you out, and desaparecerte. Darning alibis Lie: a false letter, manipulations of the Constitution of the Republic, biased media. Here reigns the doubt, there is panic over a foreign invasion, in the streets prevails red and white.

The trigger was this time a query-survey (solar car) "goes haywire, wrong roads, endangering the universe" The only certainty is that there are at the epicenter of a coup condemned worldwide . Epaphos crossed their paths again and says, 'You're a fool to believe everything your mother tells - tells -. You pride of a father who is not yours. What is your evidence to refute? Diana Espinal Meza. Tegucigalpa Honduras.

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