Tuesday, August 7, 2012

How to Contact the Divine

I have heard a man who gave up everything and came to the door of the divine. He had renounced his wealth, his wife, at their home, their children, society at all, and, having renounced everything, went to the door of the divine. But the doorman stopped him and said, 'You still can not enter: First, go and leave everything behind. 'But I gave up everything! , Argued the man. -It is obvious that you bring your I-told the doorman. We do not care otherwise, we only care about your self.

We do not mind the rest: we only care about your self. We do not mind the rest: we only care about your self. We do not care what you say you've left behind: what we want is your self. Go, release and return. I have no money, no wife, no children. I do not own anything. -Still have your self in your bag, 'said the porter Go and release. These doors are closed to those who bring to the self: the doors have always been closed to them. but how do I drop the? I never loose the basis of attempting to quit. How I can I drop it? This is impossible. It would be like if someone tried to lift himself pulling their shoelaces. How I can drop the self? Even after releasing all, I'll stay still. At most, someone might say: "I dropped the ego", but that show that still holds up his ego. You become selfish even in regard to drop his ego. So what should you do? It's a very difficult situation. I say that this situation is nothing difficult, because I ask you soltéis anything. Actually, do not ask you to do anything.

The self, the ego, is reinforced by everything that is done. The only thing I ask is that you pass in and that you seek the self. If you find, you can not drop it in any way. If there is always there, what is it that is that you can drop? And if you do not find, then there is no way to release it. How can you release something that does not exist? So, pass on and see if the self is there or not. The only thing I say is that he who looks within himself laughing out loud because it is not able to find your self anywhere within himself. So what's left? What remains then is God. What remains after the disappearance of the self, can be separated from you? When it ceases to be me, who will establish the separation? I only separates me from you and you me. Here is the wall of this house. The walls create the illusion of space divided into two, but the space never split in half: the space indivisible.

No matter how thick the wall that you lift, the space inside the house and outer space are not two different spaces: they are one. No matter how high the wall is lifted up, the space inside and outside the house are never separated. But the man who lives inside the house has the impression that has been divided in two space: a space inside your home and abroad. But if the wall collapsed, how the space would differentiate the man inside the house from outer space? How do you determine? Would only space. Similarly, we divided the awareness raising walls fragments of self. It is not that when I collapsed wall, I'll begin to see God in you. No, then you will not see you, only I shall see God. I beg you to understand this distinction carefully so subtle. It would be wrong to say that I will begin to see God in you: I will not see you again to you and only see the divine: It's not that I see the divine. When someone says that God exists in every one of the atoms are completely wrong, because it is looking at the same time the atom and to God.

You can not see both at once. The truth of the matter is that each and every one of the atoms are God, not that God exists in every one of the atoms. Not that there's a god within each atom, all that is, is God. God is the name we give love, to "what is." "What is" is true, we call God through love. But the name you give it does not matter. I do not ask, therefore, you begin to see God in all people. What I am saying is that you begin to look within. As you look inside, desapareceréis. And, to disappear, you will see is God. Another friend has asked: If meditation leading to samadhi and samadhi leads to God, what need is there then go to the temples? Should not we eliminate them? ADD Eliecer published by the / s 22:37 0 comments Links to this post Tags:


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