Thursday, August 2, 2012

5 Remedies for Acne will find in your kitchen

The sebaceous glands of the skin naturally produce oil, this oil is called sebum. This oil helps replenish and lubricate the skin. Sebum production and distribution is different for each person, and people with limited distribution tend to have skin dry, while the overproduction of sebum, of course, make the skin of a person feels excessively greasy.

When sebum blocks the pores, the obstruction causes a variety of skin problems like acne, blackheads and white heads. There are many remedies for acne products and skin care available in the market We can help treat these skin problems, unfortunately, most of them very expensive. Alternatively, you can find remedies for acne easily in your kitchen. These home remedies for acne are not only economic, but also natural, effective, safe and extremely easy to prepare. Although some of the treatments below are usually used to treat acne face, acne also work for in back.

Remedies for acne 1: Cucumber

Take a fresh cucumber and grate it. Apply the juice of the infected skin and wait 30 minutes before washing. Doing this often for best results. The shredded cucumber only remove blackheads, also serves as an excellent moisturizer and prevents acne and blackheads.

Remedy for acne 2: Honey and Cinnamon

Mix honey and cinnamon powder in a paste-like consistency. Apply the paste on the acne affected area and leave overnight. Rinse with warm water in the morning. Honey is known as a natural remedy that helps clear, clear, and smooth the skin. In addition, cinnamon is useful for eliminating acne at its root.

Remedy for acne 3: Egg whites.

Separate an egg yolk. Whisk until thick, and apply to your face like a mask. Add a few drops of lemon juice to the egg, this will make the mask work best for oily skin. Wait 15 to 20 minutes before washing with lukewarm water. This mask helps tighten the skin clear and acne spots red.

4 remedy for acne: Lemon

Apply 3 to 4 drops of lemon juice to the affected area. This will help eliminate acne scars. Do this every day for best results. Points severe acne and deep, can not be cured completely, but nevertheless, the lemon juice helps to clarify the scar. Important: Do not expose to direct sunlight skin treated with lemon juice.

As you can see, these remedies for acne are very easy to prepare and widely available ingredients. For more information on acne home remedies without medication can visit my website by clicking: Remedies for Acne

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