Monday, August 6, 2012

3 Effective Spells Love to win this man of Your Dreams

If you want to attract someone or you've fought and you are back again, you can try these spells effective love. To attract someone, part of a red apple in half and pinching the middle, making a hole on both sides. On a piece of red paper write your full name. Do the same with his name on a green paper. Make papers shattered hands and fill the hole with them. Also placed a couple of cloves concentrating on the person.

Join the party while saying that you want to have in your hands as you have that apple, because I want and what you love. Hide the fruit for 3 days and 3 nights. Then bury. These spells are very effective simple love.

Now if you just want to reconcile and get back with you, then you may prefer some of these spells effective love. Take the pendant that you like and place it in a glass jar with a teaspoon of salt. Let stand three days. Then take it out, drizzle with your favorite perfume and repeat your name three times as placing you going. Be sure to wear it the next time you come across it.

Another effective love spells to return begins writing the full name of the person on paper, yours below and in the middle of the phrase "always together." Roll it up with letters to the inside and place it in a glass. Drizzle with a teaspoon of sugar and cinnamon and cover everything with pure honey to fill the glass. Save it in your room in a place that is not reached by anyone else. Every 20 days wash the glass and start over.

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