Monday, July 2, 2012

Reengineering Applied to Human Resources

The dynamics of the present economic scenario shows that companies are prepared not only to participate effectively in them, but generations, thanks to its competitiveness, to a management that has been able to select, manage the organization's human capital in which it provides their services. Have been identified with the re-engineering that gives you all the actions that must be followed to achieve good results. This calls for analyzing the importance, the role of reengineering in favor of human resources, which will eventually be motivated, perform well their duties and ensure good productivity. What is reengineering and what is involved? According to Rafael Rodriguez Jacob: The Business Process Reengineering is the design or reinvestment of business processes, structures, beliefs and organizational behavior. The Process Reengineering generates dramatic improvements in the quality of the organization. For his part, James Champy for, Hamer Michael: Reengineering is the fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of processes to achieve dramatic improvements in critical, contemporary measures of performance such as cost, quality, service and speed. This definition contains four key words: 1. Fundamental: In undertaking the reengineering is necessary to become the basic questions about the company and how it works.

Why we do what we're doing? Why we do it that way? These questions require examining the tactical rules and assumptions underlying the conduct of business. 2. Radical: radical redesign means getting to the root of things, not superficially, not means to modify or improve, but to change the root of the process.

3. Spectacular: The reengineering is not about making marginal or incremental improvements but to make giant leaps in performance, twirling 360 degrees, not 10 ° or 20 °. 4. Process: The key word, many organizations are focused on the tasks, occupations, people, structures, but not oriented to the processes. Processes are a set of activities that receive one or more inputs and creates a valuable product for the customer. Please note that the human resource is a major factor in the success of any organization, it is important the performance of each of its employees for this institution to achieve its goals and becoming competitive in the market, this situation can see damaged by poor performance of workers, consequently resulting in poor performance of the group, requiring immediate solutions. Precisely, to this end it has re-engineering that seeks to improve the performance of individual workers, that is, individual performance is critical to the collective performance, since all the approaches offered by reengineering to improve organizations need have a high-performing in their performance for the emergence of the expected goals for each of the processes in place.

Given the need for qualified personnel for the reengineering project control: The need to link staff occupationally Training Transfer Relocate parts of the organization Restructure Remove or advise the importance of human resources for the success of the reengineering project, makes this area should receive attention from the beginning of this. Participation in the personnel department can help identify problems as they have the time to solve them, without delaying the project also provides information regarding the staffing and help redesign processes of business. Obviously, it is highly desirable that the new processes are consistent with corporate policy staff. If within the human resources department the company has experts in organizational development, they may be useful in the design of business process and in the direction of the aspects of implementation. When the reengineering process begins to direct the personnel aspects of the value of human capital takes a new meaning will arise the awareness that the key to a successful re-engineering effort is in the labor force, so that will be the staff who undertake the task of performing the work of the new operation. Therefore, no design can be implemented if there are any conflicts with the workers.

The reengineering project should be managed to link staff to a new process. The result should be workers with appropriate skills to do the job just defined. The project also needs to streamline the number of staff it offers, because sometimes you need to reduce it. All this leads to the human resources department must perform the following activities: • 1. Define positions and skills • 2. Define a • 3 new organization. Reallocate staff • 4. Train and retrain • 5. Reclassify • 6. Implement changes light of the situation that arises human resources department must integrate all areas (recruitment, selection, induction, compensation and benefits, industrial safety and others) to ensure the success of this project. * Source: Department of Management Topics,? Rea Graduate Faces. Program Quality Management and Productivity Issues Chair Venezuelan Administration, School of Management, Faces, www.entorno.


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