Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Add to your child to the Car Insurance Policy

The day I have feared for more than 16 years has come: your son wants to drive, but no other car than yours. You know what that means? Note that you can not keep off the road forever, so you can do two things: get a car for him or lend yours. Sure, the second idea sounds better than the first, but before that you have to add it as a secondary driver to your auto insurance policy.

The first thing to remember is that even though your insurance rates will increase, adding a teen driver to your auto insurance policy is less expensive to make than buying other insurance. Age and driving experience even come into play to keep auto insurance rates low.

Then you have to make sure your child is doing her best in school, is said to have good grades, especially if it is a university, as this can bring some discounts to the insurer. In fact, some insurers offer a discount of 25% to students with at least an average of 9.

Give your child road safety education or if you have to take a driving school. Many insurers offer discounts to students who have taken a formal driving course, but can only be 10%.

If you decide to buy a new car for your teen, make sure there is one that is among the most stolen, as this will further increase the insurance rates. Also seeking a car with many safety features possible. Air bags and antilock brakes are typically discounts your insurer.

An important point is that you do not feel obligated to stay with your insurer if they offer you a disservice to add your child to your insurance policy. If your insurer charges exorbitant rates for your child to add the policy does not give you afraid to turn around and go to find a better deal, even if it was your insurer for a long time. The goal here is to get good coverage for you and your child.

The last step is to have a good talk with your child before putting it behind the wheel. Explain the details of driving under the influence of drugs such as alcohol or other consequences that may result from reckless behavior which could increase car insurance rates. Make sure if he or she causes an increase in insurance premium, you have to pay.

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