Monday, July 23, 2012

The Risk of Pregnancy After 35 Years Of Age

The risks of pregnancy after 35 years of age. Pregnancy at this stage of the life of the woman conceives risks although nowadays women prioritize other issues in his life before deciding to conceive, as the economic position of the couple next to accentuate your professional edge, with advanced degrees in order to provide your unborn child a better condition makes women wait too long. The more years go by reduced ability to conceive will have. On the one hand their eggs are to descend on productive capacity. The years passed and indeed their reproductive life is limited. However, many women past the age of 35 decide to have a baby.

In this quest the years continue to pass because as time passes it becomes more difficult to achieve a pregnancy, however many of these women fail to become pregnant after 35 years of age, but it is noteworthy that this pregnancy is considered a pregnancy risk, because they increase the risk for common complications of pregnancy, but at that age these complications are increased. These complications include high blood pressure or preeclampsia during pregnancy and gestational diabetes.

Moreover, the possibility of generating a multiple pregnancy is higher in women over 35 years. They can also come about problems with the placenta and placenta previa. This complication makes the placenta is located on the cervix. While it can happen to any pregnant woman's age increases when it is considered an older woman. As for the complications of the baby, the more likely you might have chromosomal problems resulting in a baby with Down syndrome. This means that the risk increases but does not mean that all women having their first baby after age 35 will inevitably have a child with Down syndrome. Therefore, the obstetrician suggested amniocentesis provided to women over 35 years to detect any chromosomal problem and also the baby's genetic order.

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