Friday, July 27, 2012

Kino or the Art of Touch

One of the best ways to seduce a woman is through Kino - an abbreviation for "Kinesthetichs" or synesthesia, which means touch.

In fact, without the seduction Kino, your chances of success in seducing a woman greatly diminished. Very few men have ever gotten a woman in bed only with their words, without laying a finger on.

The Kino should be gradual. The seduction of Kino should be casual - a touch on the forearm or back when you're laughing, for example.

Above all, you must be playful - so do not bother.

If you can play it in a fun and casual as she laughs, their defenses come down and will not resist your touch. In fact, she will feel good.

So why does Kino seduction?

Skin to skin touch releases a hormone called Oxcytocina. Oxytocin levels increase a woman's testosterone, the hormone responsible for sex drive. Oxytocin also feel a sense of union with you and makes you feel good.

What's more, oxytocin gives you the desire to be touched further, producing even more oxytocin - a reinforcing cycle of progressive sex hormones.

The Kino is the physical contact that you make your goal to gradually put sexually active. This Kino has to be increased gradually until you're done with the closing. This Kino highlight several types depending on the strength and the impact occurs, qualified levels:

Kino coordial (Level 1): Kino is the usual presentation as two kisses, one grazed, shaking hands or bumping hands. (The handshake also produces connection and empathy)

Kino light (Level 2) Grasp the arm, a hug, a kiss on the cheek hard. Kiss on the forehead. Hand on his shoulder ... This type of Kino must be done securely. Do not make it strong and hurting without safely and securely.

Kino important (Level 4) This type of Kino is based on erogenous zones should also be firm. Hand on your waist, belly, ribs infer, inner arms and thighs, neck, neck, hair, ear lobe ...

Kino Extreme (Level 8) Kiss on the lips, shake your ass, biting on his neck, kisses on the ear, spinal go ...

Know kino is important to appreciate that each situation. Lomejor kino escalation is to make a go slowly and unhurriedly. On the kino, can ruin a seduction, or for doing little to do much either. Learn how to calibrate a little. An excess of kino can discover yourself and to feel pressured or uncomfortable. Be careful.

Download for free, the 10 Tips to conquer a woman, written by experts in seduction like Ross Jeffries and David DeAngelo, and learn many more tips, instructions and techniques to seduce a woman. Download it here

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