Friday, July 27, 2012

About Travel In Russia

Imagine that you will travel to Russia next year to vacation in this country. I think a report in detail on the attractive places in which type of transport can go, what it's worth the trip on public transport, etc ...

What are the most attractive places for Russian tourists?

Deserves attention to vacation in the Black Sea not only bathe in the sea and sun but also to strengthen health, healing, which is due to sources of mud where the tourists are going to take water. The city of Sochi, Anapa, are the cities that attract a lot because its resorts Russian tourists have at their service hotels of 3, 4 and 5 star hotels located on the shores of the Black Sea. Also in the territory of Russia are sanatoriums including it should be noted those located in the cities of Yesentukí, Mineralni Vodi, well known for its spas.

Fishing enthusiasts are dedicated to going on holiday to the proximity of the city of Astrakhan, ie Ajtuba river where you can fish those breeds of fish such as pike and others that are not found in the rivers and lakes located in the Moscow region, ie those who are in danger of extinction. Can also be found in any pond turtle resting on a branch above water basking sun. Among such beings live exotic insects such as mantis Regilio, which in the continental temperate zone of our country live.

In the Far East, home to some animals and exotic insects. Both loved the animal kingdom such as exotic vegetation attract some tourists to start their holiday trip to another world. On the other hand, traveling either by train or by plane costs a lot of money because the city of Moscow and Vladivostok are separated by a distance of 10000 km.

What are the most attractive places for foreign tourists?

In the main, most foreign tourists intending to travel to Russia, choose the capital of Russia as a destination. From the foreign point of view of Moscow is considered one of the most beautiful cities, as is noted for its attractive places, especially the Red Square, St. Basil's Cathedral and other places that are in the center of the capital.

The other part enjoys flights and cruise ships whose destination is the city of St. Petersburg, which is often seen in Russia as the northern capital. This "capital? stands out for its beauty, its suspension bridges every night give way to vessels sailing in the Neva, museums, etc ... Unlike Moscow all highways in St. Petersburg are the most clear because most of the population has concentrated re Russia in Moscow. A consequence of that the air there is cleaner, less polluted.

Besides the mentioned foreign tourists prefer destinations some rail travel in Russia from the west to the east, this means travel across Russia on the Trans-Siberian train, and the other fans to cruises, travel the Volga on the boat but it costs 3550 euro or more.

As for public transport buses circulating in Moscow, troleibuses, trams and the metro which is defined as the Underground Railroad. Go by bus or tram troleibús costs 17 rubles. Going to cost a bit more expensive meters-19 rubles. Tickets are sold at the box office.

At the end of the article goes without saying that prices in Moscow are considered as one of the highest in Europe.

I think the travel site dedicated to Russia will be interested

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