Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Prevent Premature Ejaculation Techniques and tips for this male sexual problem

Cure premature ejaculation requires no great intelligence. After all, is not an exact science. If you only know how to do it, you will be able to prevent premature ejaculation in no time. In this article, I will reveal 3 tips from hot can apply immediately to end the nightmare of premature ejaculation.

Hot Tips # 1 cure premature ejaculation through masturbation

Masturbation is the best practice for sex. If you can control your orgasm during masturbation, it is likely that you will be able to prevent premature ejaculation during real sex section as well.

Most guys have an orgasm fast track approach to masturbation. What they want is to end quickly for several reasons, including fear of being discovered, "trapped" or breaks down when masturbating. It could also be because guys just want a quick wipe because of stress. For all these reasons, most of the guys have been trained to be quick to reach orgasm during masturbation. This behavior indirectly premature ejaculation and during intercourse.

To treat premature ejaculation, you need to unlearn masturbation behavior and take it easy. Instead of rushing to reach orgasm, masturbation, at least 20 minutes before allowing ejaculation.

During this time, focus on the start-stop method and the stimulation of the penis on the shaft and the glans. In general, the glans (or head, as is commonly known as) are the most sensitive areas of the penis and continually stimulate the inside of the vagina.

# 2 cure premature ejaculation the right of sex positions

Do you know what sexual position has an effect on premature ejaculation? Studies have shown that in the world's most popular sexual position is "missionary" (with the man at the top of the woman) is the position associated with premature ejaculation. This is mainly due to muscle tension is more intense as the man supports his weight with his arms and base strength. With this increase in muscle tension, men tend to ejaculate easier on your effort to release tension. It is advisable to change position to avoid this sometimes

# 3 cure premature ejaculation premature to have a prior relationship

Ejaculation prior to intercourse is another way to last longer. Infrequency of sexual experience is always associated with premature ejaculation. The more times you ejaculate in a sexual process, which is more durable would be.

DID YOU KNOW: Hundreds of thousands of men worldwide have cured the problem of premature ejaculation with the right techniques, that only experts know? I make the cordial invitation to our Web site so that you know these methods to help you to have complete control over your Web eyaculacionSitio: CurarEyaculacionPrecoz.blogspot.com


  1. any mental health condition can interfere with the erection process, not to mention that the medications used for its treatment can also interfere with it. The stress and anxiety brought by personal and professional problems can also worsen the erection issues, too.

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  2. Keep in mind that when you produce more semen inside your body, your pelvic floor muscles and penile muscles particularly the bulbocavernosus muscle located at the base of your penis contract harder, better and more frequently.

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