Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The Fall Of Service Skype caused a revolution in Social Networking

The final fall of the Skype service caused a revolution in social networks, clear that this fall was precisely bind to the Christmas Party, ie logical addition to the drawbacks of all professionals and business users who use IP call Skype the leading company for its business overseas, which were interfered with their business ventures, this fall also interfered in the daily life of the common user that needed to communicate with family and friends around the world to wish happy holidays and best wishes for commonly wish for this time of year.

So social networks kept communicating and expressing the fall of the IP phone service. In fact it is estimated that the total number of free calls and international calls, 25% of these are carried out using the Skype VoIP service provided by the Swedish company, which is constantly growing in number of users and profit through technology called voice over IP. Skype definitely could recover from his fall from service, so that managed to beat their own record of simultaneous calls which amounted to 25 million increase to 27 million after the fall growth explained by the implementation of the new IOS platform video calls free for Skype users, a figure that will increase when the light version for the Android platform video calls and the new purchase of Qik, which provide their users.

The final fall of the Skype service caused a revolution in social networks is the title Skype was released down the news and it is clear that given the large number of users in social networks, the world learned this fall as if it had been the giant Google, something that could really shake up the world taking into account the importance of the Internet in everyday life of all, and to a greater or lesser degree all Internet use and need of this service with distinct and valuable objectives.

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