Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Each Thief judged by its condition


A few years ago I met a friend who did not see in a long time and told me he had a grocery business selling (selling consumer products) in a popular gallery district. She said she did very well. They had very good sales and had found the secret to be rich in no time. When chatting with him, I noticed a tone of pride in his words, so I decided to investigate what was their secret. I convinced him that I represented danger for my line of business was very different from yours. He said his secret was always so much rice and the sugar made him loose sales, ie not bagged and sold products had a balance whose weights were doctored. He felt "proud" to deceive their customers well and always came out ahead, no matter what the price of both products go up or down. They were his two flagship products and was very happy to earn money that way. I do not mean anything since we joined an old friend. I soon learned that a customer who apparently was his usual buyers and having made occasional purchases elsewhere different, noted that there was a difference between the volume of your product and my friend.

So he complained to the authorities and they went to their local audit.

I soon found out who put him in prison and sentenced to two years and a fine that far exceeded all that was gained in the last 3 years. Over the years I went to meet him, now free and told me that his daughter had married and the son was a merchant who sold consumer products, as it did years ago and was doing very well. In another moment I said, "the very adulterous scoundrel sure their products to earn more." Okay if I wanted to intervene and said, good friend who you think if your son visited to see how your business is. He nodded and we went to visit. The young man had already said about 1 year in this business and I wanted to put a little trick. Despite a kilo of rice and another of sugar in a digital balance and take my property and I said when I saw him, "Please could weigh myself this merchandise because I just sold the store in another mall. The young man raised as I did and check your balance properly weighed.

My friend's son to withdraw from the local looked at me with shame and apologized. I said, "you must not judge anyone based on what you were doing." Your son is honest and you're lucky to have a son like that.

Moral: Do not judge good business. Not everyone who does business to make money dishonestly. While some people happily honored.

Until next time

Original article: Juan Carlos Vé Ceateci CEO - Global Sales Technical Production Courses

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