Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Fabian Martin: From footwork to sleight of hand

Throughout my life, many were the times I've wondered what would happen to me if you change your profession. And in fact, my career has not exactly been a flat line, because after studying the Bachelor specialized in letters pure, with Latin and Greek included, decided to take a 180 degree turn and pass me the science, is in Financial Management business, an area where I developed my career to date.

Over the years I have dreamed up on stage and become a successful singer (in fact, and although I toméis a shoddy Shakira do not think I do anything wrong), to mount a bar on a beach in Ipanema and turn my "wild" in the specialty of the house, go live in a charming village in Italy or venture to landscape photography, and even to develop my love for the good taste in the world of interior decoration and graphic design ... well, I'm all a dreamer.

Fabian Martin was a professional boxer and was part of the Spanish national team. He was shortlisted for the Olympics in Atlanta when he suffered an accident that prevented him from continuing his career. A few years later, in 2002, the ring and fighting had given way to a wood stove and their creations, their pizzas, with whom he became the first non-Italian pizza to win the European Championship and the only one who has won twice in the categories of acrobatics and quality, as well as World Champion for the World Gourmet Pizza New York, Quality and acrobatics, and Quality in 2007 by the New York Pizza Show.

A great example of maximizing retraining, both for the differentiation between the two activities as the absolute success and do not forget, wanted by Fabian, who was able to adapt and even relate to their employment circumstances after the accident at the best possible way , viewing them not as a problem, but as a learning opportunity.

And this can only be achieved by finding out what our motives and our values, relying on training to provide us with new ideas and an injection of innovation, identifying what type of work and especially what we do not want. In short, creating our own brand and being aware of the positive benefits it can provide the change.

At this point I remember David Rivera and his post "Fear that produces change" I advise you read. It is becoming less common in a company endure, even in a trade, not to speak of a marriage, or our political beliefs. We live in a world of constant change and away from seeing this as a disadvantage, we must reflect and take advantage, use it for our personal and professional development. Confucius already said that the party seeking constant happiness and wisdom must accommodate frequent changes.

In the case of retraining, both voluntary and induced by circumstances such as Fabian, after the initial motivation situation of post-accident in which insurance is found, it is essential to appeal to the mind and positive thinking, remember to work networking, contact with industry professionals and above all, believe in yourself.

And Fabian did, believed in him and jumped into the ring from the kitchen, your wood stove and their masses, and revolutionized the traditional concept of pizza; innovate in ways, ingredients and flavors, using the most of your culinary training for surprise us all with their creations and acrobatics. Now a year ago came back to win the Championship Pizzaiuolo Internazionale (the Neapolitan pizzas World, the most important contest on the planet) with a mini-pizzas than three centimeters in diameter with basil sauce, mozzarella buffalo, candied cherry and iced minitomate tomato San Marzano. Delicious!

Personally I have to congratulate you for being an example of personal and professional retraining for their highly competitive spirit and always winner, decided by the culture of risk which is the most satisfying offering, for its mission to serve others, to achieve pizzas with delight in our palates and ultimately, for offering a spectacle of color, taste and art every day in our ringside.

Steve Jobs was asked: If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I do today? And if the answer is NO for too many days in a row, I knew I needed to change something. I will move this question. You decide what is your answer.

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