Monday, July 23, 2012

Patience Is Health

"Patience is health" is the phrase that when I have not the header, I try to remind me not to do riot all around me. O let me be tempted to succumb to some, uncontrollable, desire to consult, via the Internet, the technique of head shrinking and start practicing with whom I have at hand. Siiiiiiiiiiiii, how do you guess?, Just start by whom I live. Yes, well, you, I say no big deal ... but I refer to the facts. describe, succinctly and luxuries of detail the situations and the way, I confess, exorcise the desire to practice the techniques reducing and try to forward them to the fat around my abdomen so that the thing is more healthy, for example, and provide more benefits.

I can also divert the effort to catch someone or see what's underneath your hair, non Sacto purposes, to try to raise awareness that Olmo, Olmo was born and not at all willing to give pears. It would be nice to know where the hell did that collective fantasy of pears and I go down homicidal instincts against the world ...

Originally I am speaking in favor of people understand. But there are things that supposedly, in my humble opinion, are deducted alone, all alone and lonely. For example, how do I explain to my son and his energies to serve seven years, the difference that exists between, just a boy and the son of a chimpanzee. How do I say or I explain, it is normal for a baby baboon and chimpanzee goes off the vines in the jungle or else improvised at the zoo and is characteristic of the animals? And at the same time avoid an identity crisis when I say "okay I have a cute cheetah age but I want to be Tarzan." He is a boy, not a substitute for sr. In monkeys, chiquita version. That there is no vines at home. That after no, there is nothing to do their part to bend the laws of fate that my not imposed. Especially when it comes to protect himself not mate, jumping from thing to find out how much "saltable" of the house. Or try to test the construction of an electric chair, no chair, investigating what the hell is behind the plug holes. That while the idea of ​​leaving reined peeled without the assistance of the hairdresser, I remember the first look back to the last parts of the movies that he, my son, the creature of God, learned by heart. In an innocent act on my part to give something to chew on. This is Daniel the Terrible: Part I, II, III and beyond. Home Alone Version quichimil, and watch the speaker, because above has the nerve to question me everything I say and imitate what they say to you from what I do, with the greatest impudence. Only, my age compared with his, I, at his age, looked like the female version of the mummy in small. In other words, would not be able to deny a child, but ... what have I changed the nursery?

Or check my father's genes.

Meanwhile, the teenager trying not to be noticed, is noted for its disappearance. His leaks with your friend, the friend and the sea by car. Of course, total, the ogre of his father, I have to instruct me. With which none the two are happy with my services. For I am a useless father not set limits and to know my daughter is not his father, as if she knew to treat either one ... Or, if Ms., decide the day before her birthday fifteen, prefixed in red on the calendar, designed to shift the salon, that her bangs would look nicer to cut stone and handmade by herself. And that day dawn, hitting his mother with the new look in her bangs, which had to rub their eyes for having dreamed open and not be awakened in the middle of a nightmare stone. At that time I huffed and puffed shouted: God give me patience but give it to me and .

Because patience is probably the answer to try to calm down when I imagine in my house a bullfight. For surely, until it arrives, I will realize that it is not. But my son, chased by the dog and cat, added the sister to the hosts, who are not prepared in any convent, as the song said San Lorenzo, but they are brewing at home, just every other day. Push it to the man of my life to be completed and the decision really existential am I behind the skirts of mom who is going to save me from them that persecute me, because I threw a tail, I grabbed another the ears and I got the bone of the mouth while eating and sister took her personal diary, to scratch it all with my crayons and my sainted mother defend me from them or do not go? Because when you realize, all I did , plus grab your notepad ready to deliver to the editorial, it kills me in slow motion. And surely, given the procession of a fencing events: oh and now who can help me, the best style red grasshopper. And there rehearse more earlier than ever, the philosophical question we're going to stop all, sooner or later: to be or not, that is the question. Welcome Descartes. To this life in which an adult tries to live with a gang of their own: child and adolescent and seeks above, one soul, to live with a dog and a cat that quintessential ever got along in life.

Patience is exoteric dose so I have to cry every day when I wake up not only neither the sun nor the birds but the work of the side that hammered not only dividing but contiguous all my senses had to learn to waking to shocks. And the compliments of their workers, as a teen daughter who suffers even in the brain, leaves in my yard mesh. To avoid having to pay the insurance for any of them teeth.

Patience is what I have to have my lover, who for his birthday I gave my son a dog with the cat, my daughter and I have to live in a: two rooms.

There is no patience, but I run out of health and without nerves. Especially when I get on msn: absent with notice and without notice, or busy because I'm making a note, or watching a movie or going to the bathroom, and some people just tell me and I interrupt your thoughts.

Patience because I can not hear and understand all the members of the house shouting at the same time.

Patience when more than one in my house, I wonder where it rolled her to the crucial moment of the question, are not.

Patience is what I have to remember while the phrases I remember telling my mom and dad, when wielded my children's rights and threatened: when I have a son, note that warned that he would have a child and not two, I will not be as bad as two units together. Because the truth, I become a witch 71 and go around the catalog of evildoers and evil witches of all my fairy tales of the monster that plus I had a son. implore for Patience, when the exact moment I decide to take the dog, it wags its tail, in cozily, thus forgetting all their misdeeds example how lace shoes annihilate with shoes included, rolled down the house and end up staying the dog the cat, I need the parrot and I think it is because as yayo sings: boarding the parrot. Despite the parrot phagocyte my high school diploma in small pieces just because he suffered from boredom syndrome. when my daughter Patience requires that we respond in the very moment I'm writing the final sentence of the note I had to deliver yesterday. What else to ask than patience?, when I go to get my savings and my pig is slaughtered and not just me or has the depletion of the entire family. Patience to tolerate that after so much care to baptize my kids and choose their names, called tare and stupid, and vice versa, every two seconds overdose of patience is what I appeal when I try to channel the my child's energies productive things, such as, I do sweep the riot he did in the garden, pursued by the dog and the cat and I do not how much pot is bar above his head with the handle of the broom. And patience, ultimately After that prayer is to understand some things that, in spite of living, I still seem incomprehensible.

Patience to me and the world. Because all the lights concluded that patience is health. And chan, chan, salute over here.

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