Friday, July 13, 2012

A Simple Treatment for Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are a medical condition which the patient is suffering from inflamed and swollen veins around the anus or lower rectum. There are many causes that are associated with the condition such as pregnancy, age, chronic constipation, chronic diarrhea, tight anal and intestinal evacuation. This can be worsened by any type of constipation, sitting on the toilet for long, low-fiber diet and pregnancy. I'll show you several alternatives that are very helpful for a treatment for hemorrhoids. The following alternatives may be of much help if you suffer from hemorrhoids but this is not in a severe stage: Do not stop or postpone the time of going to the bathroom. Natural calls should be answered promptly and must go to the bathroom to the first time you might have the desire. This treatment for hemorrhoids really works. You should avoid prolonged standing or sitting to reduce the pressure. Some laxatives can be very helpful in significantly reducing constipation and blood from the intestines. It is best to stay away from eating spicy foods or highly spiced as hemorrhoids can greatly affect what we eat.

This remedy for hemorrhoids insurance gives much relief. Food rich in fiber is very useful. Fruits and vegetables rich in fiber should be added to your daily diet. You can use creams and ointments and apply to affected area to soften the bowel movement. Regular exercise is a great treatment for hemorrhoids. Avoid using soap on the affected area and will only add more irritation and stiffness. This also will be helpful. Warm baths are also relaxing and very effective treatment for hemorrhoids. This will help a lot to relieve pain and itching.

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