Wednesday, August 8, 2012

What is the meaning of our existence?

The three principles of logotherapy tell us that life is meaningful despite the disagreement on some things that affect development of personal character, man is master of his own volition and is free to make decisions.

Making sense of life is to find the meaning of your existence. This is about giving value and meaning to each act performed. When a person is not able to dream and believe in their own faith. It is very difficult to know why there?

Man is part of a noetic dimension, since it is the only one who can love, feel and be aware of their actions. It also has its own nous, that means that each individual has a different spirit. (A unique and indelible mark that can not be erased). Universal values ​​are those that exist around the world, but each person gets their own interpretation; The examples they give, let see how human inertia acts without thinking, needs and problems of others and when he gets to spend a Unfortunately, his conscience tells him "if I had done that" or "if I had acted differently," this is not happening, but to the surprise of us would not exist. When people lose their values ​​and traditions without identity is confused, but soon seeking the meaning of their existence is. As you know the importance of his own being.

The search for meaning: it is the essence (being) of the human being, it refers to is the purpose and the way that man must follow in order to understand its existence. When able to fill all your needs comes to self-responsibility is when a man in his freedom is able to say no, that's a sign of their self-confidence. Mental health is divided into two: a) is the interpretation of personal existence and refers to the treatment of neuroses spirit (nous) of each individual.

Human beings can transcend through the years, so leaving behind glimpses of his essence, that essence that we have unique and unrepeatable human beings "our spirit," an indelible mark that identifies us.

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