Sunday, August 5, 2012

Tainted money

A few years ago I did a fun experiment and no rigor científico.Reuní several people in my confidence and before serving food and drink he had bought to entertain, I asked them to imagine different degrees hambrientos.Con desperately involvement in the game accepted the consigna.Luego put in the center of the circle that we formed, a book widely used (of those that one does not imagine for how many hands did) and a ticket rather abused, those who demonstrate to have had a large circulation.

Then leaned over the book and on the ticket, two separate pieces of bread. What would eat that are very hungry still? The unanimous answer was that they would eat the piece of bread lying on the book and would not prove the piece of bread lying on the money. Although this experiment is not very serious, just used to ask to what extent the role "very used "in a contaminated ticket imagine it as the paper" very used "in a book it is not practical result can also contaminado.Como think it is likely that our rejection of the money you can from the prejudice that is polluting, sickening.

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