Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Sexual Exploitation of nNOS

Carlos Mora Vanegas

It's very sad reality in this world earth, how defenseless beings, are used to satisfy sexual desires, regardless of the result.

Commercial sexual exploitation of children and adolescents has many implications similar to those of hazardous child labor, since it involves performing the same activity for a long time and without control in terms of time and effort. However, the commercial sexual exploitation has special features whose consequences are even worse than child labor.

It is also noted that the sexual exploitation of children is not a local phenomenon, nor unique to one or another country is hardly an appropriate term to categorize or describe, to the extent that its dynamics are implicit factors or variables that go beyond the scope of a particular social context, a class socioecómica determined in a particular social group. Moreover, many of these variables or factors are frequently involved in the analysis of other social phenomena such as the teenagers who break the law, that of young people usadores (as) of drugs, gangs, etc..

Mindes.gob.pe. appointment. that children are more vulnerable to sexually transmitted diseases as adults, including infection with HIV and AIDS, as their body tissues are more easily damaged. Exploited children are often not in a position to negotiate safe sex, in addition, many lack access to education about AIDS and safe sex practices.

There are also some physical illnesses (such as respiratory diseases or allergies) that may result from stress and tension generated by the commercial sexual exploitation

Generally the children are sexually exploited limits or prevents school attendance and adequate performance of homework. But beyond that, are marginalized and stigmatized at school, causing feelings of guilt and shame. This helps in many cases, repetition and dropout, which interferes with learning and the possibility that children have access to more specialized jobs in the future.

I should add that sexual exploitation is added another aspect to be considered as sexual violence against children and adolescents, although always present as part of social violence today in the socio-economic faced by many countries, is manifested not only by high levels of poverty among the population but by mismatches and family disintegration, rupture of substantive values, absence of life projects affecting many sectors of society is emerging as one of the most severe and complex problems of our realities.

Added to this, the phenomenon of globalization, communication facilities, the extension of international criminal networks and the use of new technologies offer different conditions calling for us to give a different perspective in addressing this problem.

Then for the understanding of sexual violence must go, first of all, beyond psychopathology or medical explanations and get into the cultural and historical considerations have printed a stamp to our conceptions of sexuality, relationships between people, power, children, etc.. Second, adopt the principles of the doctrine of comprehensive protection provides a framework for ethical and philosophical rights of children and adolescents.

On the other hand is known according to studies by UNICEF, until 2006 there were 150 000 children missing in the world, with approximately 3 000 street children are considered part of the population vulnerable to the possible sexual exploitation. The rise in kidnapping and false adoptions are increasingly common in Tijuana and other cities in both Mexico and the United States.

Locally speaking of about 20 to 50 child prostitutes in the northern city, which are visible, but it is believed that behind every child there is more than 50 children sexually exploited in the Tijuana-San Diego community.

Unfortunately, the demand in the business of child sexual exploitation is increasing rather than diminishing daily, talking about gains of approximately 12 billion dollars for the global sex industry.

The demand for this social phenomenon is seen mainly in the U.S. and not just in San Diego. It is known that some of the victims end up in cities like Las Vegas, Los ANGELES, San Francisco, Chicago, among others, depending on immigration status and nationality of the victims.

We know that in Tijuana, Mexico, many children are abducted, sold, deceived by people who are engaged in commercial sexual exploitation of children and women.

Unfortunately, Tijuana is placed in first place nationally in the child sex trade due to its geographical proximity to the United States. This makes it a center "ideal? both for the reception, and for the expulsion of sexual victims.

Marisa Ugarte, general coordinator and founder of Bilateral Corridor is an expert on the subject. She is credited with creating and implementing programs that aim to reduce and prevent child sexual exploitation and human trafficking at the border, making a joint effort with the County of San Diego.

The fact that Mexico has become a point of origin, transit and destination country for persons trafficked for the commercial sexual exploitation. "The victims, most of them are sent to the U.S.?, As well as inside the country. Even an estimated 20 000 children are sexually exploited every year across the country, says a report from the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), one of the largest labor unions in the world

It has a history in Costa Rica many children and adolescents are recruited through job advertisements in local newspapers, which promise high income just for being tourist guides, others are recruited by pimps themselves on the streets of San Joseph, who offer income in exchange for his little body.

contraelabusosexualdelainfancia.com complaint, sex tourists and pimps are proliferating in Costa Rica, government authorities made the mistake of denying the extent of the problem and until two years ago claimed that sex tourism was negligible.

Tourism is the largest foreign exchange earner in Costa Rica, it pleased the government but greatly saddened to hundreds of children who have to sell your body to survive. The most fragile, most neglected, which is just beginning to appear in census and statistics, is the most suffering, our children from the street, always forever forgotten.

The constant and growing number of cases of sexual exploitation of children and adolescents, and the constant complaints that come to our organization, we have been working hard on ways of prevention, intervention and control of the sexual exploitation of minors .

The increase in sexual exploitation of children and adolescents in Central America and Mexico, there has been a result of measures taken by some Asian countries against child sex tourism and the lack of local authority charged with enforcing justice our nations, the laws in most countries are soft, and in which there is a stronger law many of the pimps are filling their pockets with money, pedophiles and sexual degenerate continue stealing childhood innocence and minors, impunity and indifference are gaining ground against this tremendous scourge is not only depriving us of our children but we also are stealing the pride and dignity to us, our governments responsible for ensuring their lives, for their right to be children.

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