Sunday, August 5, 2012

Say goodbye to cellulite

Cellulite is caused mainly by estrogen and by hereditary factors, so that 90 percent of women have cellulite to some degree, is due primarily to hormonal and circulatory factors, including being thin. It appears before puberty, including being overweight by hormonal changes mentioned above. Cellulite is a degenerative process of connective tissue, which is rich in blood vessels and nerve endings, circulatory disorders type causing the arterial capillaries are more fragile and permeable, so they accumulate fluid than necessary when no lymph performs well in its mission to eliminate harmful substances. This accumulation creates this problem that starts at an early stage and gets worse over time and is very unsightly, but apply a preventive treatment and correction. There are endless treatments to remove or improve cellulite, such as: * Creams, lotions and gels * Dietary Supplements * Herbal Massagers and roller * Compression or stretch pants * Exercise Programs * Hydrotherapy * electrical muscle stimulators and machine vibration * Laser * Liposuction treatments can cost from about € 30, even thousands of euros depending on what choices we make.

But do they work? Operate independently of its price not guarantee better results by being more expensive, when implemented consistently and long term to see positive results and then keep them, there are treatments more effective than others, but in my experience I recommend a combination therapy via both internal as external commentator at the end of this post. Why many treatments seem to work? For any treatment that helps to improve circulation, remove fluid and toxins will improve the appearance of cellulite resulting in firmer skin and smooth, but cellulite is removed permanently, but we must continue to care for this condition to hold at bay it's like when you lose weight and take care to keep it without re-gaining weight. So what I can do to combat cellulite? * We maintain our weight. Excess weight makes cellulite worse and more visible, so keeping the weight will improve your appearance. * Exercise. Cardiovascular and fitnness help keep muscles toned and maintain good circulation is important in this case. * Stop smoking or smoke less. There is evidence that smoking can contribute to cellulite, specifically you know that smokers have poorer circulation and tissue oxygenation.

* The massage on their own work, but be consistent and be applied daily by a professional at least every other day. * Liposuction, I would think, except in extreme cases, take intoaccount that liposuction can shape the area and quickly improve your figure, but also carries some risks and then maintenance-free, cellulite will be instituted as before, so you can get the same results with less aggressive treatment and less expensive. Recommended treatment: I recommend taking Spirulina in capsules by high detoxifying and its tissue reconstructive process, along with Horsetail infusions for its power to eliminate water retention at breakfast, lunch and dinner, along with an intake plenty of water two to three liters a day. Exercise, cellulite exercises do not like aggressive, moderate and mild exercise like walking, dancing, cycling, pilates, etc to perform better. Healthy diet, low in fat and rich in vegetables, fruits and whole grains. And finally an exterior treatment cellulite cream applied daily. With these tips you can get very satisfactory results in a month even without exercise, although exercise results will be faster, remember that the record in this treatment and the continued application is the formula to get to say goodbye to cellulite.

Smart Weight Loss

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