Monday, August 6, 2012

Blasco, Amadeu Sanchis and Sonia Castedo

Rafael Blasco

Perez Rubalcaba is the Valencian, which is a compliment to the vice president of the Spanish Government.

He has done everything in politics and if there is any sauce in which it has not been involved that has not yet been invented. A This is called ability to work, but for many of his subordinates and members of the PP to which grazing is like a biblical plague, because it allows them to relax at any time.

Thanks to that and a subsequent political skills forged in different militancy, knows how to create strategies and set irrefutable personal attention, if he tries, even in the most irrelevant, eg in the Mediterranean turtle, when he was Minister for the Territory.

Called by President Camps to alleviate the damage of the Gürtel case when the scandal was in full swing, has succeeded in distracting maneuvers worthy of Houdini himself. Clear that long before having been assigned the work, Rafa would have known Blasco find a new turtle with which to cover it up.

That expertise, and because surely knows the PSPV-PSOE better than their own members, is the politician most hated by the Socialist Party. And, as the saying goes, there is no worse wedge which comes from the same wood.

Amadeu Sanchis

In those grotesque mug shots of the Franco era that you know, would have written about him: "Despite being a communist, this is an educated and apparently nothing dangerous."

The candidate for mayor of Valencia have won, then, to the ominous dictatorship's secret police because of his affable nature. Also today, in a political world in which the shouting and will impose the disqualification of the opponent, he prefers the argument slowly and with few decibels language: that they can thank the ENT.

Despite the vicissitudes of political organization, Amadeu Sanchis stays true to their ideas and their initials, while others are transmuted into more impatient environmentalists, socialists, leftists, or whatever just to get more power or due to simple and sad domestic political squabbles.

If the man had the media projection that captures the dominant party could attract voters to the right of their own ideology, simply because of his moderation. As the mothers said their daughters of marriageable age when there was no gender equality: "That guy for you, Pili, which looks very formal."

All that is left now that Valencia voters' knowledge.

Sonia Castedo

The public image of Sonia Castedo and always will be under the weight of his predecessor, Luis Diaz Alperi, and the physical weight of this is compelling, both for the current mayor of Alicante as anyone.

It all stems from the last of the city development plan and the subsequent indictment by the anti-corruption prosecutor. Of course, the suspicion of corrupt practices and the like is spreading both among the political class that is already beginning to be irrelevant or, worse, a politician without judicial proceedings will end up considering a real mindundi.

The truth is that Sonia Castedo, passionate and feisty, younger, more attractive and has more future than Alperi Diaz, who for a long time yachting prefer to engage in public affairs.

For all these virtues, Paco Camps has been the mayor of Alicante also the regional head of the provincial list, so that can attract the votes of some voters were still undecided. The trouble is that, once captured, mayors and MPs moonlighting barely time left to go running from City Hall to Les Corts to press the button to vote. And that's a way to squander his talent and scatters its qualities.

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