Saturday, September 8, 2012

Strategic Management Learning Filipino Style

Mostly, they will learn the strategic management does not become a manager and an enterprise of one of the major international and Philippine society anywhere in the near future. The decision-making tools that acquire overtime through experience will be useful to all levels of an organization and in planning your own career development.

Strategic management involves industry analysis and analysis organized is important in all types of organizations, especially small businesses, franchise operations and other industries. Studying strategic management also equip the Pinoy entrepreneur with tools that allow him or her to address the important issues in a complex business environment.

A simple definition of what strategic management is a process by which people analyze and learn from their internal and external environments and established the strategic direction, create strategies to achieve goals.

In the context of the Philippines, there are several factors that must be taken into consideration when you go into a business. Political factors must be taken into account especially in a country that has already seen two popular uprisings and a quasi later. This political uncertainty hurts business prospects in strategic planning. Careful planning will ensure business success even in the more volatile. This is a perfect example of an internal environmental factor.

Factors external environmental forces include global environmental trends such as technological, political, economic and socio cultural. Oil prices will affect the way in which domestic production at a price. The war in the Middle East also affect the Philippines since we have a large number of Filipino workers abroad, and a large number of them to return all at once will strain the resources of government to find their work at home .. .....

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