Tuesday, September 4, 2012

How to give excellent customer service

Now that you have a home based business, you're not sure what is the best way to provide your customers and potential customers with excellent customer service. It's okay, like many people feel as if it were just like they are working 9 to 5 job. However, it is very different line. Now we want to offer some helpful tips that you can take to you blog, website or forum or any activity that may be involved in.

If you have your own personal website, one of the best benefits for the business area will have a "contact us". Even if your not available 24/7, it is easy for people to find, simply by clicking on a thumbnail and leaving a message so we can respond in a timely manner. There's nothing worse than asking a company to a question by taking 3-5 days to get back to you, at that time most people think that you are not going to respond anyway so go with a 'other company.

Just remember, if you know who is going to take 24-48 hours, make sure that the follow-up message that is sent to them after asking their question says somewhere. It lets your prospect know that we will get them, but you must do so as soon as possible, because not only do you lose a sale if you do not, but word of mouth can be just as bad as it is positive.

Complaints will roll on the occasion and to be honest, nobody wants to deal with them. There are fun and challenging but must be solved. The most important thing to remember is to be defensive is not going to make things better. If someone is upset or angry just be calm and explain the situation, and give them options to find a solution to the problem. Eventually, they both calmed down, or even if problems remain, when someone asks them about your company will have to give a great review about your customer service.

Another suggestion is that if you do not know all the answers, do not pretend. This is difficult for many people who have home based businesses, because they want to build the business as quickly as possible and get sales and downline members, instead of thinking long term. So, when someone asks me something that has no knowledge of them, saying "I do not know, but I'd be happy to find it for you." In this way, they know they are not trying to pull a fast on them, which creates a sense of both respectable and good on you and your company.

It 's very important to understand that making money on the internet is not easy. There are so many scams and illegal activities out there, that skepticism has never been greater. This means that you will create your personal relationship on the internet and if the customer or potential prospect knows your name or not, as a matter of using your customer service is going to think much about your business, now and in the future .. .....

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