Thursday, September 6, 2012

Restaurant Marketing Ideas

To grow restaurant sales is necessary to develop new marketing ideas to make your restaurant stand restaurant above the rest. These unique marketing ideas need to cover a wide range of commercial distribution channels, these channels are like the owner of the restaurant or bar will attract your customer to dine with you. In your marketing efforts will need to make sure the restaurant idea to get new customers from multiple marketing ideas and strategies, and indeed it is, then, do not rely on one source of income or the customer. Here's what I'm talking about;

Suppose we want to implement some 'marketing in your local restaurant to attract more customers, you should target those in effect through means other than as a customer, email, direct mail, website, marketing joint venture, database marketing and the only radio to name a few. Attacking your market and bombarding the market through many mediums will allow you to find out which marketing medium is the best restaurant for your restaurant.

Marketing covers many channels, generation channels of these clients include:

Print advertising

This vehicle includes magazines, newspapers, books, trade books, directories and brochures.

Broadcast / electronic publicity

This marketing tool include radio, television, fax and internet / e-mail

Display Advertising

Show posters are out, stickers, signs, posters and advertising vehicle.

Direct Response

This vehicle includes direct mail marketing and telemarketing

Events and promotions

This marketing tool include exhibitions, fairs, exhibitions, conferences and promotion items such as novelty key rings etc.

Advertising and Public Relations (PR)

This includes press releases, articles, newsletters, internal features, speeches, seminars and sponsorships.

Word of mouth

This average includes the spontaneous word of mouth and testimonials from customers of the restaurant.

Although this list is not exhaustive restaurant marketing medium, the hotel will provide a list to start with when marketing your restaurant or bar. What is important when you start or rejuvenate your restaurant marketing is to ensure that target your market, do not try to be everything to everyone. Here's an example, lets just say you were a fine restaurant and want to market your restaurant, would certainly not market your restaurant on a bubble of shoppers (you know the ads that appear on the back of the sales receipt docket). This would be as silly as this is not the market can fail to attract the sophisticated restaurant. However you can advertise in the business section of The Wall Street Journal and Financial Review.

Marketing your restaurant should not be a difficult exercise, if you plan to increase sales is to do some 'marketing. Oh .... One last thing if you're marketing your restaurant, so be sure to test and measure marketing effectiveness. No need to throw away your money on marketing that does not work.

Remember marketing is the engine of your restaurant so remember to put some 'gas in it .......

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