Thursday, August 9, 2012

Volunteering in Latin America

Many years ago the volunteer was something like being a good-hearted person banegas helping others and continuing normal life fter.

Volunteer work in good hour has changed every time more and more people are interested in volunteering, even with new approaches, here is the interesting thing is beyond the scope of assistance from its beginning in the majority of countries latinoamercianos on especially with the religious orders that brought the volunteers.

Today volunteering huamana senefoca to overcome, gradually develops models of social intervention with subjects participaicon of action.

In my country, Chile has a clear and concrete example about the organization that works with a techoparachile siuada with people in camps in illegal seizures of teereno on the outskirts of Santiago and Chile's most important cities.

Well there is not only volunteers dedicated to the construction of a water maedi living for families, but also plans to engage with the beneficiarso social work in education. employment, social self-management.

There are also new forms of volunteerism and volunteer online dodne professional lawyers, doctors, architects give of their time in their work to their porfesion ejejrcer voluntarily in some populations in the countries of Latin America.

This trnasforma to volunteer more than the good Samaritan in an effective and powerful example of social capital and capital huamano for the reduction of poverty and inequality weapons of mass deestruccion america nowadays.

There are government compormisos lyesde expressed in volunteering in the American countries, as well as specific volunteering schemes and Spain in working with municipalities dodne true platforms of social mobilization by volunteers.

The voluntary sertrabajo beyond their reward not in reward economcia human gratification, construction of empowered citizenship from social problems in order endless benefits that are due to dissolution is beginning to tap

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