Sunday, August 19, 2012

Permission Email Marketing - Autoresponders

Permission email marketing best practice involves the use of autoresponders to avoid messages that are considered spam. To understand permission marketing via e-mail, you want to know opt in, double opt in and opt out.

Permission Email Marketing - classified as 'lip service' to receive email marketing messages. Permission must be asked when you launch your opt in email campaign and leading up to the subsequent topics.
Opting in - This is when a visitor to your website or squeeze page signs to get something from you. An example might be - Click here to receive our free eBook.
Double opt in - Once the potential customer has initiated the process of opt-in, then your autoresponder would send a double opt in email or message confirmation for their permission to go ahead and send what they signed up for.
Once confirmed, the email permission marketing process is complete. It may seem redundant to ask the permission of a potential client who had already chosen, but it protects both parties involved. It is not uncommon for someone to opt for tons of things with someone else's email address.
Opting Out - Once someone has chosen to receive your e-book, newsletter or whatever you may come to realize that it is not just for them. So no longer want to receive the follow-up e-mail from you, so that opt-out. To do this just click on a link at the bottom of your e-mail that will ask them to unsubscribe.

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