Saturday, August 4, 2012

Raising a Dog


To learn how to educate a dog is important to know that much of the character of a dog is given by genetics, that is what he inherited from his parents, this can not be changed, but also a large part is determined by the education receive from his master and by the influences of their environment.

Everything your dog to learn during their first year of life will leave him forever marked, hence the great importance of a proper education during this time, but do not be discouraged if your dog already has more than 1 year of age can still improve some things in it, but to be honest I will say that this is more difficult to bring up a puppy.

When asked about how to educate a dog always begin by saying that poor management in the upbringing and poor education can lead to some dogs to develop "Behavioral Disorders" (ie, behavior problems) and noise phobias, the dogs, people, mainly children and this can result in bites and attacks serias.Por all the above you will realize that is not enough to feed and vaccines also need a correct and responsible education.

Here are some tips on How to Teach a Dog:

1 º)-Like a Dog Educate: "Few words"

To order the dog should not use many words and they must also be short, since he does not understand human language a simple NO! is also strong suficiente.También could use: stay outside, here, high attention, together, sit (sit) down (pitch), come up, well, etc..

It is important to always use the same words that everyone in the family handle the same language.

2 º) How to educate a Dog "Collar and Leash"

From a very early (I'd say 3 months) is necessary to start getting used to the collar and leash. This sense Booster submit to the authority of his master and it will be an indispensable accessory for later learning. At the beginning and until no longer need to fear him for short walks in your house for a month at least, so if you start giving rides out of the house. If the dog pulls on the lead or crosses between your legs you have to give a short tug on the leash and simultaneously say the word "Together." When you respond well to obey orders and should reward you with words and many caresses, for example: "Very well," "Perfect", "OK.".

3 º) How to Teach a Dog: "The boss eats first"

The dog should eat only, rather than the dining room of the family may be in the yard. You have to serve food after you have eaten, never before a pack queen and dominant dogs (Leaders) eat first, while others expect a certain distance to finish eating the líderes.Si you feed him first is a signal that is above you in the hierarchy of the home so then it will be very difficult to obey your orders.

4 º) How to educate a dog, "puppy socialization"

This is a time ranging from 45 days to 4 months of age, during this time the puppy acquires the behaviors necessary for life in the "pack". It is very important that during this period to live with people of different ages, mainly children, also with other dogs and other animals like cats, rabbits, turtles, etc.. If you do not live healthily can never with them, always have problems convivencia.Por example if your puppy is not lived with children during this stage, it may never accept them and may even attack them in the futuro.Te recommend that you give a lot attention to this point, because by neglecting this issue is unfortunate events occur where children are attacked by dogs.

5 º) Educate a Dog As "punishment and reward"

An excellent way to educate your dog is to Punishment and Reward is a stimulation Recompensa.La pleasant, positive reinforcement we do next to correct a behavior that has our dog which we want him to get used to do. For example, congratulate him and pet him intensely, even "squeezed" and a voice to express joy for his obediencia.El Punishment is unpleasant stimulation, a conditioning adverse, negative reinforcement to persuade the dog to not return to a given fundamental conducta.Es act or knowing that the punishment should be applied immediately after the action you want to inhibit, if we made several minutes after the dog can not interpret the reason why punishment does not mean castiga.Recuerda hit, one of the best punishment is to shout loudly NO ...! and shake the skin of the upper neck lifting it slightly off the ground, this is quite familiar to the dog that it is his mother punished him during his period of amamantamiento.También can use to give a few strokes a 'rolled Journal "it is very noisy and frightening lastimarlo.También you can throw something that makes a lot of noise such as a tin with stones in interior.Si the dog lies down and goes belly up is a sign of submission and they understood what at this time the punishment must be stopped.

If, however, defends and faces you'll have to insist until someta.En summary, you have to show your dog who is boss in your house, if he does not want to recognize your authority to impose itself as the "Leader" and this will greatly complicating life with the whole family.

With this basic information and you can get your question answered on how to raise a dog, there MUHC more you need to learn and gladly I'm going to share this information bit by bit.

For more information to learn how to raise a dog right now step pasovisita this link:


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Educate Your Dog

As Educating Dogs

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