Saturday, September 1, 2012

Quality and Small Business

For many years, the concept of quality has become a matter of consideration by the majority of firms. Large companies, thanks to their extensive resources, have been working on quality for over 30 years. However, with SMEs, is newer, and some still do not give it the importance it deserves.

The concept of SMB comprises a broad spectrum of organizations, ranging from the employers of freelance work for companies with hundreds of employees and firms with few employees who run the giant companies, though, this last example it is difficult to classify. quality is important for all of them.

Every day is more important for SMEs to invest in the concept of quality as this is the way that will help them be more competitive, reduce costs and be more efficient. The aim should be to eliminate manual processes, disorganized and disjointed, which include a mix of crop failures, poor production, dissatisfied customers, and certainly less commercial.

The easiest thing to do is blame the government and public bodies for all the bad things we complain. I will not be to defend the government, not only because they provide help for businesses, but because we are his favorite source of revenue, an area in which it demonstrates the surprising efficiency. However, assuming our problems and comparison with the same entrepreneurial spirit that has brought each of us to start our business should be the goal that allows us to create new opportunities, hope and a future. If we put our attention on optimizing our processes, avoiding repetitive work, simply by reducing manual labor and low quality, and take it to higher levels in order to provide new development opportunities for our employees, then we will reach ' real efficiency based on an optimized, error free and run by people who feel part of a mutual adventure.

Quality, as it was considered by the independent auditors and certification, is designed to ensure business continuity and ensure the same level of efficiency and quality, autonomy of individuals and circumstances. However, the biggest advantage is the quality we can achieve the maximum optimization, when analyzing the internal management of our businesses and, critically, trying to eliminate unnecessary work, improve procedures and, most importantly, use the and control technology to perform repetitive work that is usually the cause of most problems, as is usually done very frequently and sometimes by people who are not familiar with it. And 'in this particular area where information technology can be a valuable tool for improving the management of our business.

In my case, for many years I have put a great effort to optimize our processes, properly using technology that is available to us today, and I can assure that this effort has produced excellent results.

I have no doubt that mid-sized business believes that the cost of the technology is too high and that is a luxury that can wait. This idea is wrong because the cost of technology can quickly paid off with big savings it provides.

From my humble position, I encourage businessmen of small and medium enterprises to devote one day, behind closed doors, to analyze their business processes, to try to imagine how it can be optimized and then to seek the technical enhancement that will allow them to transform their ideas into a successful reality .......

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